When you sign up for our service, we will give you our expert picks and suggested wagers based on a unique uniform winning method of play.
We will not tell you how to gamble or what to do with our picks; but we will tell you how we gamble successfully and you can either embrace this systematic play or not. That is your call every time. However, our expertise that calls for specific action at certain times is something you would have to embrace if you wish to win big and move as close as possible to a 100% net win factor.
That is why the picks are not the complete secret to winning. We will give you the picks and they will be in the percentage range of wins as we stated. But the secret to beating the book is to know how much to wager, when, and on what team. No one needs to know what you are doing or how you determine your picks.
Oh yes; there are two things more! whatever picks we give you and the wagering methodology we suggest; we are also playing heavily. Finally, we offer you a one-month trial period for FREE then you can decide if you like the service. (Not like all other services, where you must pay their fee, before receiving the service.)

So, there it is in a nutshell all wrapped up like a Christmas gift. If you are ready to take this ride to the winning circle with us then read on as to how to reach that pinnacle.
Keep in mind that if you decide to stay with us, on our sign-up page you will be asked to go Pay Pal who handles all of our client’s accounts for us. This is a reliable, trustworthy and accredited organization that holds credit card info extremely private. We pay for this so you can be comfortable with the sharing of your credit or debit account info. Even we do not know it.
The charges will be recuring so you will not have to remember to pay each month. If you decide to cancel at any time all you have to do is let us know 7 days before the end of the month with an email to cancel@valuesportspick.com then you must go to Pay Pal to advise them of your cancellation and the charges will be immediately be stopped. There can be no mistakes for we follow up with pay Pal to be sure your account has been cancelled and no future charges will be made.
We have been quietly winning on a regular basis at the MLB, NBA, NFL and more plus we are constantly working on improvements to the systematic play of the Money Management System, “MMS”. The thought of sharing our good fortune and expertise as a business and make more money was a great idea so here, we are ready to launch you to heights you never imagined could occur. Therefore, if you are so inclined tag along and ride the money train to a successful investment in legal gambling.
Benefits include the following:
- High percentage of winning plays at your fingertips.
- Our (additional) Money Management System recoups losses.
- The picks are available on our website daily.
- We will never call and harass you.
- All our dealings with you are strictly confidential.
Our Results Speak for themselves
The following results are calculated on the last complete season of play in each sport.
Basketball NBA
Baseball MLB
Football NFL
Hockey NHL
Note: The above percentages do not include the recoup methodology of our most elite Money Management System of play. When using this additional method of play in many cases the net monetary result is close to 100%….
However, please understand that the elite MMS can only be successful with a consistent unit play. The present service will be based on the $100 unit play. However, you can decide to play a higher or lower unit amount.
But it must be consistent play for the MMS to be effective because we filter all aspects of the wager especially the amount based on the book’s money line and the spread.
Now to sum it all up again; you simply lay back and make the wagers as we give them to you and do nothing else. We do all the hours of work to determine these picks and supply them to you on a silver platter. End of story.
If you think we are overstating our claims or falsifying the numbers then try us out: It is FREE.